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Working period/exhibition at Extrapool & Doornroosje, 07/2021

In collaboration with Gökay Atabek

Daan Mulder and Gökay Atabek participated in last year’s Destillaat, Extrapool’s graduation show that they've been hosting for over 20 years. They turned out to be a golden duo. In an extremely short amount of time they made four videoworks and two performances together. In Doornroosje they will be showing a number of installations and interventions. These two find each other in their ability to creatively react to the situation in which they are placed. Together they combine a high MacGyver-esque quality with a dose of activism


Canceled due to sudden covid-19 lockdown. Videoworks were shown on screens on Doornroosje’s building

Director, man behind the dials and TL-Technician: Gökay Atabek

Film registration and man of manual labor: Daan Mulder

Valkhof Festival 01.jpg


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