Performance/happening at TAC/United-C, in collaboration with Paul Segers, Ian Skirvin, Kitty Maria, Ursa Prek and Joey Monopoly
Unlimited Dream Company (UDC) has temporarily occupied the spaces of United Cowboys on the Kleine Berg in Eindhoven to be able to work on the final phase of our products in a suitable setting. Given the complexity of our products and the complicated production process, a temporary expansion was inevitable. In our temporary Creative Innovation Hub, our products are tested by a renowned international team of Out of the Box thinkers against our industry's toughest standards before being distributed through our global networks
For the weekend of 11/12/13 February, a number of vacancies have become available at UDC for the position of test audience. We are looking for people with a real 5pm to 9pm mentality, in line with our inspiring corporate culture: people who are prepared to accept, evaluate and procrastinate reality as it is presented. Come by at the indicated times and bring your CV with you so that you can go through the selection procedure without any further bureaucratic hassle. If you know others in your network who might qualify for these positions: feel free to forward this vacancy


Photo's by Peter Cox and Almicheal Fraay